Merging pension pots. Is it worthwhile?

  • Different jobs often mean different pension pots
  • Merging these assets can make financial sense or be financially disadvantageous
  • Want to know what's best for you? Check it out here!

Nederlandse versie

Do the check and find out yourself whether you can merge pension assets

The check is interesting to do if you:

  • have had multiple employers where you accrued pension
  • are currently employed at an employer where you accrue pension
  • have pension assets at different pension funds or insurers

What do you need?

  • Your introductory letter or Pension 1-2-3
  • Your Uniform Pension Statement (UPS) or log in to your personal pension page

Do the check

Value transfer: how does it work?

Value transfer starts with your new employer. He or she will inform you about the possibilities of taking your accrued pension with you. You can then inform your new pension provider whether you wish to use value transfer. It may take several months before the value transfer is fully completed. Read more in our information leaflet.

Do you want to merge your pension assets?

You can submit this request to us via the value transfer form.

Value transfer form (only available in Dutch)


Where can I find which pension pots I have?
You receive a pension statement from your old pension schemes every five years and a pension statement for your current pension scheme every year. You can also find these at, where you log in with your DigiD.
What is a value transfer (merging your pension pots)?
If you change jobs, you probably change pension schemes as well. It is often possible to transfer your accrued pension to your next employer through a value transfer. You then have a single pension pot (scheme). This value transfer is free of charge; it is a legal right. You can read more about the pros and cons of a value transfer and what you need to do to merge your pension pots in the FAQ. Learn more about value transfers on this page.
What are the pros and cons of a value transfer?

The advantage of a value transfer is that all accrued pension is in a single pension pot (scheme). In addition, merging pension pots can work out better financially.

However, merging pots can equally be financially detrimental. For example, if your new pension scheme offers less favourable conditions than your old pension scheme.

Does the old pension provider always cooperate with a value transfer?

Merging pension pots is an employee's right. If the conditions are met then the old and new pension providers always cooperate. And the same goes for your former and current employers.

Limit on additional employer contribution

Does the additional contribution required for the value transfer from the former or current employer exceed 10% of the transfer value and exceeds €15,000? Then the employer in question is not obliged to cooperate with the value transfer. Does the employer indicate its willingness to pay the additional contribution within one month of being informed by the pension provider? Then the value transfer can proceed, otherwise not.

Until 1 January 2015, this limitation of the additional contribution obligation applied only to employers with a wage bill up to approximately €750,000. The employer did, however, have an obligation to pay if they did not respond. As of 2015, the limitation on the additional contribution obligation applies to all employers and the value transfer will not proceed if they do not respond.

How do I know what type of pension scheme I have?
This information is mentioned at the beginning of the commencement letter. For example, in the section on ‘Retirement pension’, or in the section explaining the pension scheme. It usually literally says whether it is a ‘defined contribution’ scheme, an ‘average salary’ scheme or a ‘final salary’ scheme.

Is there anything else we can help you with?

Tailored advice

Want to discuss your wishes and options for merging your pension pots together with us? Make an appointment for a personal consultation with your own adviser or your employer's adviser.

If you do not have an adviser yet, you can find a partnered adviser in your area on

Find an adviser (only available in Dutch)

A fee is charged for advice, so be sure to ask about this in advance.

Please note: the checklist is only available in Dutch

Contact with our customer service

Of course, we are also available via chat, phone and email. Please contact our Pension Customer Service.

  • No-obligation answers to questions about your pension pots
  • Get insight into your pension situation
  • Free of charge

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